![]() God’s Word has many provisions and promises for the woman who chooses to live life by His principles.
- For some this is passed down from generation to generation…but for others it is a “learned skill” acquired much later in life. A teacher, youth leader, friend, neighbor, co-worker, Pastor or random stranger can provide the spark of insight to view a better way for more love and peace. Such leaders provide encouragement and an atmosphere of grace filled love in which to share through living testimonies. Each of us has a story − unique experiences which can be shared with others. And our personal testimonies are priceless treasures. As we tell of God’s great provision, healing, protection and leading we do it with conviction. We lived it. We know it. We breathed it and have breath today because He saved us. It is real. Usually there are witnesses to the truth of the timing and what we’ve been through. No one can deny what is truth that you have lived. And by sharing people know that Jesus is real to us. Sometimes those same people can tell others how differently we pass through trials with Jesus than our frantic responses before we knew Him. Women of grace learn to rest in a deep trust that the service they provide to their families as Proverbs 31 1 wives and mothers is both a great responsibility entrusted to them and an offering of their service back to God. That the 1 Corinthians 13 love 2 instilled into children and all the people they touch helps others see The Lord as love through the kindness and sacrificial giving of women of grace. Anyone can acquire these concepts if they choose to submit to Jesus 3 and seek Him 4 for His best for their lives. We can all become new creations 5 transformed and released to soar through the beauty of Christ within us. It is not overnight but is a process as we are gently shaped and changed from the inside out by God’s Word and associations with people who walk through life in His presence. People blessed to receive the friendship of a woman of grace will be impressed and drawn. Such a woman has been steeped in time with The Lord. Her countenance is filled to overflowing with the love of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit. These qualities in a quiet, humble, friendly, trustworthy godly woman are like a magnet. The “fruit of the Spirit” 6 flows from her as she applies the lessons she learns to traverse life filled with more love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. It is not the circumstances the woman goes through, but rather the mindset with which she travels the path, that separates women of grace from those filled with strife, despair, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, rage, etc. The woman of grace often learns to deal with hard times, unexpected diagnoses, financial hardships and challenges in her life as a result of other people’s choices or things that “happen”. The difference is where she puts her eyes, her trust and what comes forth from her mouth. As she fills her mind, heart, body and soul with more of God’s Word, healthy food, clean water, rests in Jesus and puts praise on her lips she looks up. Her focus goes to The Lord as the author and finisher of her faith. 7 She knows He is her rock, 8 her foundation, 9 and He will never leave her or forsake her. 10 She is aware of the circumstances around her but keeps her focus for answers on The One who created all and knows everything. She knows that often the hard time is as much a battle for her mind as her body or whatever else she is facing. Whether she has just learned of cancer, a pending divorce, a prodigal child, job layoff or the surprise of not knowing how to pay unexpected debts, etc., she looks up. She praises. She seeks eternal understanding. And she makes life better for those around her helping them to see hope in their circumstances, too. She trusts in God for she knows NOTHING is impossible for Him. 11 What may be impossible for others is all possible through Jesus. 12 The Woman of Grace looks to the future with hope and an eternal expectancy. She speaks the positive and looks for the best in people and situations. Her trust in God allows her to believe in Romans 8:28 13 and receive the best possible results from whatever comes into her path. She knows from experience that all things truly do work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes. She has seen it happen over and over. A door closed that seemed a tragedy was later shown to have been for her own good. A difficult time she could later know she would never have met her husband, a best friend, or had an opportunity to change within herself to grow and understand others better had her life not taken that turn. And it is all possible because she yielded her life to Jesus. The Woman of Grace lives every day to the best of her human ability in love, mercy, praise and generous encouragement of others. She can be found dealing with flooded basements, learning 25 new ways to stretch time and her budget, serving her friends and family with special touches of personalized love and doing whatever The Lord shows her to reach out to others. Sometimes it requires a choice of things not done to allow the more important to receive priority with less stress and in more love. Always and ever, no matter what she is walking through, she does it with bold praise of God on her lips 14 and the leading of the Holy Spirit who guides her in comfort and truth. As she believes she receives. 15 And as she receives she imparts. And so the impact of a woman of grace can ripple out far beyond what she is aware of. Her gentle, loving touch and approach affect people for generations and across many miles – like the ripple of the water when a pebble is thrown in to a stream that later reaches the ocean. What seems insignificant locally may provide an atmosphere to help another life rise to meet the destiny God has laid for them, reaching higher than they ever thought would be possible, because of the love taught by the life of one Woman of Grace. Preparing the way for more to know Jesus through her love and praise. From the heart with all praise to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Donna Turpin In Christ Alone Copyright © 2016-2021 Prepare Ye the Way with Love and Praise Ministries NFP or Prepare Love Praise (R) Ministries NFP. All rights reserved. ![]() "Woman of Grace" is one of many topics
Donna also speaks on. Please click here for our form to request Donna to share at your next conference, seminar, or event. ![]() Donna Turpin has seen her faith grow as the Lord carried her through many difficult experiences. In 2013 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Through the nine months of analysis, chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy she continued to tell the doctors that God was healing her and he did. But The Lord made Donna aware that there were people she was to help build faith in along the journey.
Feeding her mind with positives of Christian messaging, songs, being in the Word, and keeping personal time with The Lord was foundational to win this battle for her body that had a corresponding battle for her mind. Through it all she learned to be content and truly say “it is well”. All glory to God. This photo is from her 60th birthday in 2014 cancer free with hair regrown. Donna has now been medically declared cancer free for over seven years thanks to the healing power of the name and blood of Jesus Christ. She and her husband Tom have enjoyed life in the country in the Midwest and exploring the mountains and beaches near Charlotte.
1 Holy Bible KJV, BibleGateway.com, Proverbs 31, v. 1-31, King James Version (KJV), www.BibleGateway.com, Scripture taken from the King James Version (KJV) by Public Domain, http://bit.ly/1qOKTv1
2 Ibid, 1 Corinthians 13, v. 1-13, http://bit.ly/1SJHMe7 The love chapter. 3 Ibid, Romans 10, v. 9-10, http://bit.ly/1QBwpXM 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 4 Ibid, Psalm 9, v. 9-10, http://bit.ly/1WxLXQ5 9 The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. 10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. 5 Ibid, 2 Corinthians 5, v. 17, http://bit.ly/1QeuSTF 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 6 Ibid, Galatians 5, v. 22-23, http://bit.ly/1SSbG09 7 Ibid, Hebrews 12, v. 2, http://bit.ly/1qOSQjZ Author & finisher of faith 8 Ibid, Psalm 18, v. 2, http://bit.ly/1S1s2qX Rock 9 Ibid, Matthew 7, v. 24-27, http://bit.ly/267CEKV foundation 10 Ibid, Hebrews 13, v. 5, http://bit.ly/1SlWqy2 never leave or forsake 11 Ibid, Luke 1, v. 37, http://bit.ly/1TjzkXQ 12 Ibid, Matthew 19, v. 26, http://bit.ly/1S1tHNb 13 Ibid, Romans 8, v. 28, http://bit.ly/1Qex79u 14 Ibid, Psalm 35, v. 28, http://bit.ly/1SdRQwG 15 Ibid, Matthew 21, v. 22, http://bit.ly/1LKbd31 16 Ibid, Romans 8, v. 28, http://bit.ly/1TwzAm7 |
Copyright © 2016-2021 Prepare Ye the Way with Love and Praise Ministries NFP or Prepare Love Praise (R) Ministries NFP . All rights reserved.